Joyce is a junior at Amador Valley High. She first joined PLAY Leadership in 2018, and has since been an avid member in the organization. She has always had an interest in digital art and graphic design, and has won several awards for her drawings. She looks forward to a new year in PLAY Times, and is excited to help the subgroup grow.


Selina is a ninth-grader at the Quarry Lane School and a writer of the PLAY Times newsletter team. She decided to join the newsletter team because she enjoys writing and wanted the experience of writing informative pieces for a newsletter. Selina enjoys playing tennis, reading, and creative writing. She hopes PLAY Times will help inform PLAY members about new events and attract others to join PLAY.


Elisa is a junior at Dougherty Valley High School. She began PLAY Times in spring of 2023 and currently leads the newsletter team to publish new issues every two to three months. Elisa is actively involved in PLAY's volunteer activities and is also PLAY's chief marketing officer and PLAY Math's subgroup leader. She is very passionate about helping PLAY and enjoys putting her writing and graphic design skills to good use through PLAY Times, which she hopes will keep PLAY members informed and help the organization grow.




Cindy is a junior at California High School. As a writer in PLAY Times, she is excited to bring announcements and updates about PLAY events to everyone through this newsletter. Additionally, she looks forward to writing about and sharing the stories of past events.


​​​​​​​​​​Promoting Leadership in Aspiring Youth​

Anna is a 7th grader at Windemere Ranch Middle School. She joined the PLAY Times team because of her passion for writing and art. Aside from those interests, she also enjoys dance, speech and debate, math, and science. As a PLAY member, she hopes to help others and make a difference in the community.

​Jerry Yi is a seventh grader at Windemere Ranch Middle School. He has been volunteering for PLAY over the past four years. Some of the events he participates in is Play Music, Kids Against Hunger, and Trash Pickup. Outside of PLAY, he enjoys soccer, basketball, piano, violin, saxophone, graphic design, video editing, art, reading, and listening to music. He looks to contribute to PLAY Leadership more often over the next year.